+ (0674) 2954095

Customer Service

Customer service department is the backbone of the company is not a stretch. No customers equals no money — and no money means no business. For this reason, whether in-person or online, customer questions, complaints and feedback need to be addressed with both speed and consideration. Thoroughly understand the value of customer service and have compiled some of the most important features for a our service :

  • When contacting the support team, each customer is routed to the appropriate agent based on criteria such as caller priority or agent skill. This information is either captured from the customer through their caller ID or in a quick and automated series of questions at the beginning of the communication.
  • Intelligent routing saves the time of both the customer and your support staff, automatically directing the communication to the appropriate personnel
  • It allows companies to organize and publish information in regard to their product, segment or industry. This information can be shared with support agents, sales teams, other employees and even the customers.
  • The knowledge management system houses the information in a format that’s easy to navigate, which allows users of any level to find the appropriate material quickly and without hassle.
  • As the feature name implies, multi-channel support functionality meets the needs of various customers by offering support via telephone, chat, email, social media and discussion forums.
  • Being able to collectively gather the feedback, questions or concerns from customers across traditional and social platforms allows companies to reach and resolve more issues than ever before.